Molasses based, simple, tasty pie. Best eaten in a bowl with milk. A great breakfast food! Sorghum makes a lighter colored pie, and does not taste as strong as molasses.
Course Dessert
Cuisine legacy, Reschly, Roth
Keyword legacy, pie, molassas
Prep Time 30 minutesminutes
Cook Time 45 minutesminutes
Total Time 1 hourhour15 minutesminutes
Servings 6slices/1@large pie
3/4csugarDRY MIX
1/2cbutterDRY MIX
1 1/2cflourDRY MIX
1tcinnamonDRY MIX
1/2cmolasses or sorghumLIQUID MIX Fresh molasses or sorghum is best, but not always available. Molasses, and sometimes sorghum, can be found at the grocery store.
1 1/2chot waterLIQUID MIX
1/2csugarLIQUID MIX
1/2tbaking sodaLIQUID MIX
LIQUID MIX: Make syrup using molasses, hot water, 1/2 c sugar, baking soda. Cool in fridge.
DRY MIX: Make crumbs: in a bowl add flour, sugar, cinnamon; cut in butter until crumbs are about nickel size. Do not over mix.
Set aside 1/4 c of dry mix to sprinkle on top before baking. Combine the cooled liquid with dry mix in the bowl; pour in pie shell.
Sprinkle remaining crumbs over the top of each pie and bake 375 degrees/40-45 min
--place tinfoil under pies in oven in case it cooks over the sides.--underbaking does not create a wet bottom shoo fly pie! The recipes are different.--Freezes very well. Sometimes Often used for breakfast.Story: Our mother use to send these in the mail to us when we moved away. Once it went to 3 different addresses before it arrived at my brother's house. Such a pie arrived at my brother's house for his birthday. My 12 yr old nephew was home from school before his dad was home from work. Alas the expected pie was missing. Days later, a few crumbs and a box, were found under my nephew's bed.