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Grandma Drawing Salve

This is the recipe that Grandma Reschly used to make drawing salve which is used to draw out splinters and infections. She would make it periodically for the extended family. Everyone brought their own bottles.
Cuisine: Reschly
Keyword: non-food


  • 1 lb rosin
  • 1 lb bees wax
  • 1 lb butter, unsalted
  • 1 lb lard, unsalted
  • 1 lb sheep tallow
  • 1 t salt
  • 1 gill whiskey 1 gill = 1/2 c


  • Clean jars and utensils
  • Over low heat dissolve/simmer together the ingredients in order. Do not let boil, stirring constantly.
  • When thoroughly dissolved and mixed together, pour into final containers. Cool and store.
  • Promptly finish the leftover whiskey.


Always on hand to draw out a splinter or infection.  Smear a small amount on the site [not an open wound] and cover with band aid.  Usually in a day the splinter is out, or the infection is gone.  The ingredients promotes softening and healing of the skin.  Doesn't smell so good.