Buche de Noel [Yule Log]
Made by Meryl Roth for Christmas 2021.European traditional dessert, representing the Yule Log.Polson, Jodi. Denver Post. Features pg 1C. Dec 12, 2018. Cake can be made one day and finish log the next day.
Servings 12 servings
- 1 double boiler
- 1 half sheet pan
- 1 Whisk wire for mixer
- parchment paper
- 3 T cocoa powder
- 1/3 c all purpose flour
- 2/3 c dark chocolate, chopped
- 2 T canola oil
- 1/2 t vanilla
- 6 eggs eggs, separated
- 1 t salt [1/2t + 1/2t]
- 2/3 c sugar [1/3c + 1/3c]
- 4 egg whites egg whites
- 1-1/8 c sugar
- 8 oz butter, room temperture
- 1 t vanilla
- 1 lb dark chocolate suggest 72% chocolate chips, disks, or bar chopped.
- 1 pint heavy cream
- Preheat oven 375 degrees.
- Sift together cocoa powder and all purpose flour
- Combine chocolate, oil, and vanilla in double boiler and melt.
- Whip egg whites until frothy with a wire whisk in mixer.
- Add slowly 1/3 c sugar and 1/2 t salt; Whip until stiff peaks form.
- In separate bowl, beat egg yolks, add 2nd – 1/3 c sugar and 1/2 t salt. Beat until thick and pale [a couple of minutes]
- Beat the melted chocolate mixture into the egg yolk mixture.
- Gently fold the meringue into the chocolate mixture in thirds. With last 1/3 it should be almost completely incorporated.
- Fold the dry ingredients into the chocolate mixture in thirds. Don't overmix which will loose air.
- In a half sheet pan, grease pan bottom and line with sheet of parchment paper. Grease paper.
- Spread cake batter evenly in pan, touching it as little as possible.
- Bake for 10-12 min until its springy in the middle.
- Allow cake to cool for 5 min before rolling.
- Rolling: Lay a large towel on counter. Run a knife around the edge of cake pan so it doesn't stick anywhere. Flip cake onto the towel and peel off parchment paper.Roll it lengthwise with towel inside roll. Let it cool rolled up with the towel for 10 minutes, or place in fridge to assemble next day.
- Combine egg whites and sugar in double boiler and cook, whisking occasionally until sugar is completely dissolved. 20 mins or so.
- Pour mixture into a mixer and whip until thick and cool to touch. Should double in volume in about 10 min.
- Add butter a few tablespoons at a time, while whipping, until all the butter is added. Should be fluffly and like whipped cream.
- Stir in vanilla and mix on low to smooth out buttercream–about 5 min.
- Place dark chocolate in a large bowl. Heat cream over medium heat until just about boiling. Pour cream over chocolate, stirring a bit, and let sit 5 min.
- Stir mixture with rubber spatula until completely smooth and dissolved. Stir from the middle.
- Use immediately or let sit until slightly cool but spreadable.
- Unroll sponge cake in towel. Evenly spread the buttercream over the cake. Roll cake back up using towel as guide. Roll the cake in parchment paper and place, seam-side down, in fridge overnight–or minimum of 4 hrs before decorating.
- Place cake on board or platter. Cut each end at an angle. These will be your branches. Assemble one end piece on top and one on side for branches. Use left over buttercream or ganache as glue. Cover everything with ganache using a spatula or spreader. Doesn't need to be perfect. Use spreader to make bark marks. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top to simulate snow. Or decorate as you like.